The color scheme for the room will be gray (to go with the wall color and carpet) and white but the accent color is proving to be a dilemma for Megan. Purple is Megan's favorite color so she thought it would be nice to have purple as the accent color since it goes so well with gray. However, she had already purchased a chandelier with pink crystals. Joanna and Megan finally decided upon pink because it is a softer look for a baby and also goes extremely well with gray. The final deciding factor was when Joanna suggested she decorate with purple and gray in the master bedroom. Sold! =)
With the colors decided, we were off to the stores looking for just the right fabrics and trims.
We chose satiny, soft polyesters that would be delicate yet washable. Aren't these just yummy? The pink was chosen because of it's color but also because of it's great draping ability since it will be used for the swags.
This white sparkly sheer was chosen to go over the gray panels as the tied back overlays.
Megan fell in love with the rose-embossed fleece fabric. We will use this and the gray suede on the glider for those late night rocks back to sleep. The pink fleece will also be used to line the inside of the bumper pads. The plush white fleece will be for the crib sheet.
A successful shopping trip! The only thing left to find is the pale gray sheer for the side panels of the canopy.
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